24 Hours in Vegas - Now On Paperback!

My debut novella 24 Hours in Vegas is now available on paperback, via Amazon.Com! This has been an absolute labor of love - lots of work but worth every single second!

I actually made some very minor changes/adjustments from the Kindle version, but the overall voice and story was not affected in any way by these changes. The Kindle version of this story was my very first novel, so naturally there were some bugs that needed working out. There probably still are!

One such addition was a more detailed acknowledgement area. I feel like I dropped the ball on the acknowledgements the last time around, and attempted to make up for it with a blog post.

I also added several photographs, nothing crazy so don’t get too excited! Actually, scratch that, get excited, because in doing so, I revealed that two characters are actually quite real and deserved to be recognized as such.

(Again this book is a work of fiction, with numerous little kernels of truth interwoven throughout. But these two ladies are more than mere kernels in my life, they are rock solid relationships in which I am honored to be tethered.)

I also wanted to take the time to thank those who took advantage of my free book promo that I offered after the initial release. No, I did not achieve Bestseller status (yet!) but we did crack the Top 10 & Top 20 in my respective categories.

Also, the lovely reviews that came pouring in have left me in a continued state of gratitude. We are still at a perfect 5-Star status and that’s so huge to me! This story will not change your life, but it will entertain you and that’s all I set out to do when I decided to birth this little project.

So if paperback is your jam, give it a chance. And if you prefer Kindle/Kindle App, and don’t already have it (so many of my nearest and dearest have already purchased it - thank you again!) please consider supporting this indie author.

And if you love throwing your money at me in exchange for Tell All-esque writing, consider subscribing to my Patreon, Confessions of a Professional Flirt. Subscription tiers range from $3-25/month. Photos, exclusive material and regular, frequent posts are included. Merch coming soon too!

You can also follow my Twitter feed (@laylabeth) for links to things that don’t cost any money, also!

Again, thanks to all of my supporters and readers, both near and far. I hope you all enjoy 24 Hours in Vegas and will follow me for everything that’s coming next! I am far from finished with this little writing endeavor of mine…in fact, I am very much just getting started!

Will what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas? It’s looking doubtful…

Will what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas? It’s looking doubtful…

24 Hours in Vegas : The Acknowledgements

Releasing a novel to Kindle is waaaay different than blogging!

And because this was my very first time (it kinda hurt, but it was kinda easy too - wink) there were several things that slipped my mind before I hit the Publish Now button!

One of the biggest blunders was the glaring absence of acknowledgements…ouch. Oh, I could pull it and edit, but I already managed to pull and edit twice. I am going to have to stop that at some point!

So, I made the executive decision to add a more detailed dedication and acknowledgement section to the paperback version, which is still as of now, forthcoming.

But in the meantime, before I officially throw myself an impromptu Kindle launch brouhaha on my various social media pages, I decided it best to give credit where credit is due, because this book would not have happened, if it was not for the people I will mention here :

Giselle ~ if you decide to read this, you may notice some things that seem very familiar. And yes, as this is fiction, I have also taken some artistic license. (But even when Chevelle read the Amazon Peak Inside, she asked me, “Is the best friend supposed to be Giselle??”)

Of course it is. And if you read it, you will know why. ;)

Also, I apologize for this probably being the first you are hearing of this, but after nearly thirty years of friendship, is it really all that surprising???

Thank you for being in my life even if it’s not as much as we would like. And thank you for the inspiration.


Chantel - You were the first person to actually be willing to part with $2.98 and buy this book. (THANK YOU!) You clearly already know I think you’re a badass, and your take life by the balls attitude was absolutely monumental in helping me decide to just sit down and write a book. You’re a good influence (hehe) and I can’t wait for another trip to Hawaii!

No really, you are a good influence!!! ;)


Janine - Like with Giselle, you may recognize certain familiar elements in this story should you decide to read it. I know we haven’t seen each other in twentyfreakingyears, but thankfully I get to see your gorgeous face on my Facebook newsfeed, and believe me when I tell you, my life is better with you in it - even if only digitally! Thank you for the inspiration! I am grateful. :)


Special thanks to my Patreon subscribers, whose generous monthly pledges helped make this project possible. Lee, Adam & Ryan, in particular, for their extended generosity and encouragement. :):):)
My dear friend Andrew was also a lot of help - not just for this endeavor, but in life in general. :)


I actually dedicated this book to my children, Wyatt & Chevelle, with the warning to not read this until they are older. But…Wyatt is 26 and Chevelle, well, I’ve seen what you post on Twitter! So just read with an open mind, I say! ;*

If I was feeling whimsical though, I’d also dedicate this book to Author Pamela Des Barres, the most famous Rock and Roll Groupie of all time. My copy of her book I’m With The Band is basically in tatters because I have read it so many times.

I would also thank Sir Bob Geldof for his song This is the World Calling, because for some reason, listening to that particular song on repeat as I was finishing the writing process, kept me oddly focused and motivated.

I should also acknowledge my late husband Bret, because he wanted nothing more than to see me add “published author” to my resume. Oh, he would HATE the subject matter of this book with a burning passion, but he would love the fact that I actually wrote a book.

And Lee, there are so many things I want to thank you for. You should probably expect to see your name in future book acknowledgements as well. ;)


I am sure that there are more that I am still overlooking, and for that I apologize! But this is the first of many books, and if you are in my life, chances are you have been of more inspiration to me than you know.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Oh, and thanks to my dear ol’ Mom & Dad too, for giving me life and a kick ass rock and roll name.

24 Hours in Vegas
By Layla Beth

This story isn't just another rock and roll romance, although there is plenty of both of those things! It's a trip down memory lane, to the early days of the 21st century as seen through the eyes of a young, single mother who is trying to live up to the dreams she created for herself as an MTV loving teen. 24 Hours in Vegas is the sexy and sometimes silly tale about the importance of living life to the fullest, and falling in love with yourself before you can fall in love with anyone else. Be prepared to laugh, cringe and maybe even shed some tears, as we join our heroine on a self-discovery mission to, of all places, Las Vegas. Will what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas? Judging from the confessional nature of this novella, probably not! And you will not want to miss a second of it!

Available on Amazon Kindle as of 1/20/21

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Welcome Back to My Blog - It's been a hot second!

Has it really been SEVEN YEARS since I posted here!?

Well, better late than never, right?

She said, like nothing had happened…

In my last post, I made a terrible SNAFU.

I said I was “no Carrie Bradshaw.”

While it’s fundamentally true that I am neither the mythical Carrie or the lovely woman who portrayed her, I have recently summoned all the Carrie energy I could muster and created a sex-themed blog that I share via Patreon.Com

Oh, it’s more than just my musings, I make all kinds of perks available, and no, I do not take my clothes off.


But it’s still a lot of fun, and yes, there are many, many photos available from various incarnations of my entertainment industry career, including my days as an erotic webcam performer. (They are edited and tasteful, but still exciting just the same!)


I recently released to Kindle, my very first novella, and of course it’s a sexy little tale!

Here’s what it says on the book’s Amazon page :

This story isn't just another rock and roll romance, although there is plenty of both of those things! It's a trip down memory lane, to the early days of the 21st century as seen through the eyes of a young, single mother who is trying to live up to the dreams she created for herself as an MTV loving teen. 24 Hours in Vegas is the sexy and sometimes silly tale about the importance of living life to the fullest, and falling in love with yourself before you can fall in love with anyone else. Be prepared to laugh, cringe and maybe even shed some tears, as we join our heroine on a self-discovery mission to, of all places, Las Vegas. Will what happens in Vegas stay in Vegas? Judging from the confessional nature of this novella, probably not! And you will not want to miss a second of it!

Paperback editions coming soon!!

It will take quite a lot of time and effort to completely overhaul this website to be less model and more writer, so please check back often for updates or feel free to simply stroll down memory lane.

I am very active on IG (@ladylaylabeth), Twitter (@laylabeth) & Facebook (@classiclaylabeth) so feel free to Follow, Friend, Like or whatever it is that we do on social media these days! I follow back! :)

And most of all, stay healthy and hydrated!


This is my blog…there are many like it but this one is mine...

Or something like that…

I need another blog like a fish needs a bicycle.  

But writing something so that this space didn't look so…naked…seemed like a good idea.  

I have a plethora of blogs at Wordpress…I write a whole lot of FaceBook notes, too.  And at one time, I was updating and managing over a dozen different blogs.  

I know I'm no Carrie Bradshaw (no matter how badly I'd like to be) but that is not stopping me from working on a book.  That's right, I'm writing a book.  And who has time for blogs when one is working on a BOOK?  (Or bookS???)  

Enjoy this space.  And while your at it, enjoy my REAL blogs.  (Links on page.)  

Namaste.  And all that.